- Solve problems as they arise, e.g., roof leaks, sewer back ups, overflowing gutters, garbage not picked up, bad lights, etc
- Solicit multiple bids for repair jobs when anticipated cost exceeds ‘bid limit’ determined by the Board and submit proposals to Board
- Issue work orders for repairs when anticipated cost is below ‘bid limit’ determined by the Board
- Periodically inspect the common area for compliance issues and maintenance items (frequency TBD by Board)
- Ensure that association infrastructure –roofs, gutters, lighting, sewers, etc – is in good working order
- Stay in touch with contractors during large projects to deal with issues as they arise and/or monitor large job progress in person
- Put ongoing association services, e.g., insurance, gutter cleaning, pest control, pool service, etc., out for bid when the Board requests it
- Review invoices prior to submission for payment; compare to vendor’s / contractor’s proposal to verify accuracy
- Maintain the association’s website (where applicable)